2009 Season is final over! New breed of champions have arised after all the smoke has cleared! First time in 4 years, We have 2 champions tied in for first place! Who said there’s only one winner? 2 is a better number!

2009 champions sharing the stage!
1st place – Mikki Frial and Mike Bolanos
2nd place – Luke Pakula
3rd place – Matt Fields

To Keith Wong who has an almighty Toyota AE86 with all 4 throttles screaming at every round for a podium, gathering all his winnings and managed to hang on to the 4th overall! He deserved a podium as well! I won’t be surprised if he comes back in 2010 with a force induced Corolla with a different heart! Like Luke who started seeing podium when he did a SR swap where a 4AG heart use to be.

Carlos Cano, a top contender suffered a blown motor in round 4. But that did not stop him, he went home and grab his spare car and continued on. He is contemplating for a VTECH swap in his AE86 for next year.

Chris Mendoza, A JustDrift main fixture was able to climb back up to 6th overall after a 2 year down time from building his Nissan Silvia. He’s getting comfortable in his new setup, hopefully he’ll win next season.

Martin Rauch, a doctor by day and a weekend warrior is strong on the 8th place. I hope to see him in PROAM!

Congrats to everyone! Great 2009 and hope to see all of you in 2010! Hope to see new drivers to compete in next years event! Thanks to all the sponsors and to Formula Drift!

Miki, Mike, Luke and Matt, Goodluck for being pros!!!喜田 K-3633 サインポール レッド×グリーン
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